Moms In Motion/At Home Your Way needs your help to transform the dysfunctional system of services for people with disabilitiesThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It also includes people who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability. The ADA also makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person based on that person’s association with a person with a disability.. The Arc of Virginia, in collaboration with vaACCSES, have worked in partnership to develop a Disability System Rescue Plan for the General Assembly. This package focuses on equity and sustainability for our disability system. Here’s why you want to sign the petition.
- You want to continue to be the paid attendant for your minor child or spouse so that they can receive consistent, quality care for that individual, keeping them safe while sustaining your family financially. The appendix K flexibility that allows spouses and parents of minor children with disabilities to be the paid caregivers needs to be permanent so that you will no longer be forced to choose between working outside of your home and caring for your loved one. We invite you to sign the petition.
- You want consumer-directedServices where the person using them is allowed to select, hire, fire, and train their particular caregiver(s). services to remain sustainable so that you have a choice in providers for the long-haul, but the current service provider rates make that difficult. In fact, Consumer-Directed Providers (like Service FacilitatorsA Medicaid-enrolled provider who supports eligible people, and sometimes their families, in properly using consumer-directed services.) have not had a rate adjustment in at least 12 years, all while the administrative burden has increased year over year. As a result, there are fewer and fewer qualified providers for you to choose from. We invite you to sign the petition.
- You want to continue to receive your Home and Community Based Services (like Service Facilitation) via Telehealth to keep your family safe, not just because of COVID, but ongoing because of the Flu or other viruses, because someone in your home is immunocompromised, or because you or your loved one are at high risk for illness due to another medical condition. Telehealth needs to be a permanent choice of delivery method for you and your family for all of your Home and Community Based Services, including Service Facilitation, to keep your vulnerable family safe. We invite you to sign the petition.

Your Voice Matters! Your voice is the one that your Virginia legislators listen to. Here’s how you can help:
- Sign the petition and please share! Now’s the time! The General Assembly Session starts next week! Amplify your voice! Your signature represents a desire to make necessary changes for your family and those like yours and to sustain your services permanently and safely. It says you are concerned about the long-term risk to disability services associated with ignoring these issues.
- Contact your legislators and tell them your story.
- Tell them how your family has remained safe and financially stable because you have been able to be the paid attendant for your spouse or minor child. Ask them to make the Appendix K flexibility allowing parents and spouses to be paid caregivers a permanent change.
- Tell them that you want Consumer Direct to remain a viable option which it is not at current rates. Ask them to fully fund a rate increase for all Home and Community Based Services Providers, including Consumer-Directed Service Facilitation, which is not currently in the Governor’s Proposed Budget, but should be.
- Tell them how your family has been able to safely use your services throughout the pandemic thanks to the Telehealth Delivery Method option. Tell them to keep your family safe, even after the pandemic. Ask them to make the telehealth delivery method a permanent option for ALL Home and Community Based Service Providers, including Consumer-Directed Providers, like Service Facilitation.
As always, we hear your concerns and thank you for your continued advocacy!