
Caregiver Wishlist: Top 3 Gifts

caregiver wishlist
Caregiver's wishlist is a thing! The holiday season can mean stress and frustration, instead of comfort and joy. Check this out to find out what is on your caregiver's wishlist!

Caregiver’s wishlist…wanna take a peek? The holiday season can mean stress and frustration, instead of comfort and joy for caregivers everywhere. Let’s change that! Need more tips to help the caregiver in your life? Read about caregiver burnout HERE. 

Caregiver’s Wishlist

Respite: Offer the caregiver in your life time off as a gift!

This could mean stepping in and giving the caregiver a break.

Perhaps offer a Saturday off “in the next two months” for the caregiver.

This way you can schedule it on your calendar and it gives the caregiver something to look forward to!

If this is not possible, consider paying for a home care worker or a stay at a respite facility for a few hours. Your loved one just might appreciate a small respite themselves. Caregiver gets a break and the loved one gets a break. Win-Win!

Help Out Around The House: A yard covered in leaves?

Laundry piling up?

Struggling with meal preparation?

These are things that a caregiver may not find the time or energy to do and would likely welcome help with as a holiday gift.

Provide Self-Care Opportunities: How about a gift certificate for a massage, facial or manicure?

How about an opportunity to spend the day fishing or an interruption free tv marathon?

Most importantly, show the caregiver in your life that you appreciate all they do!

Happy Holidays!

Be Well!


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