Consumer-Directed vs. Agency-Directed
In Virginia, people approved for a Medicaid Waiver have the right to select which model of service delivery they would like to utilize: Consumer-DirectedServices where the person using them is allowed to select, hire, fire, and train their particular caregiver(s). or Agency-Directed. The person has the right to receive services in the community. It is the person’s choice whether to receive services in the community through a Medicaid Waiver or other placement. The person has the right to choose their Waiver service providers and to change providers.
- Consumer-Directed is a model of service delivery for which the person or the person’s Employer of Record, as appropriate, shall be responsible for hiring, training, supervising, and firing of the attendant who provides the direct support or specific services covered by DMAS and whose wages are paid by DMAS through its fiscal agent.
- Consumer-Directed receives assistance from a Service Facilitator.
- Model of service delivery where an agency is responsible for providing direct support staff, for maintaining a person’s records, and for scheduling the dates and times of the direct support staff’s presence in the person’s home and community for personal and respite careShort-term care for a child or adult that allows the primary caregiver relief..
Contact your local DSSOne of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services to promote the well-being of children and families statewide and ensure that thousands of the most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them. for a comprehensive list of providers.